Monday, January 18, 2010

So much for that previous post. Haha!

I'm thinking I should get rid of these blogs altogether and see if i wanna start something new. I hate reading most of what I've written in the past. It's just that it's a kinda log and helps remember.

But maybe it will help to delete. Start over. Hmm.

Ok I'm gonna think about it and see what i want to do tomorrow.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Let's get this party started!

Ok, so I’m a bad, bad girl for promising myself I’d write regularly, and then not doing so. But then, I could justify this by saying that that’s not the only promise I’ve broken in my life… there’ve been many others – like that time (all those times) I promised myself I’d gym regularly. And like - back in school – i promised myself before every single exam that i'd study everyday and not only at the last minute. I bet you did too. Everybody does it. Just as everybody falls out of blogging every now and then, and then tries to come back, and sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. And it's really just that.

Ok fine. That is no justification at all. I am a bad, bad girl! So spank me! J

Coming to the point, here’s a blog. My blog. And here I am. And this is as good a day as any other to make amends, and correct my ways and get back to blogging. Or at least give it a shot.

So let’s see – the theme of the blog is Hyderabad – the city that I live in. I think it’s a fantastic thing that there is a theme, because God (and Google) is witness that no less than half a dozen blogs have all gone astray and into the oblivion simply for the want of some direction and focus. So theme is a good idea.

Then, there are some quirky people I could write about. Like the talented theatre gang (they burp-speak the alphabet, tell stories about shitmen from Shimoga and break into freewheeling jam sessions at the drop of a hat), or about the fancy-shamncy driver (with his eye-brow piercing and dangerously low jeans), or the cook-maid-watchman trio and their constant tango, or about good ol’ hubby and his little insane quirks like waking up at 4 am to watch movies.

And of course I could tell you about me, and all that I find funny, frustrating or fabulous in this crazy city.

So – if (and this is a serious ‘ifffff’) you’re reading this, then yeyy! I have a reader! Whether you’ve stumbled here by chance or.. uh..err… ok so there is no or… then one – thank you and two - please comment and tell me you were here, and that you will come back. You will, right? C’mon now – a little bit of encouragement could take a blog a long way. Trust me on this one.

Did I tell you the other (real) reason for abandonment of the other blogs was that no-one was reading them? No? Oh well – yeah. The other (real) reason for the abandonment of the other blogs was that no one was reading them. There – now you know. Call me shallow, but I like to write in order to be read. No one reading = no point writing. So there. Spank me!

But now be a sweetie and say hi (in the comment box).

Ok, more tomorrow. Or whenever.

This is your soon-to-be-favorite bad girl signing out for now!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Me casa, mia familia

In this blog I write about my life and observations in Hyderabad. Why, you ask? Well, why not, i say. This is an interesting city, a little good, a little bad and 100% hyderaBAD. Admittedly, it took me a long, long time to find the 'good', and even then i don't have too much to write home about. If you're a Hydophile, my apologies. I suggest you please don't read any more, because chances are that this blog will witness impassioned ranting much more than joyous accounts of the humdrumness of life here.
Still, being the thorough researcher that i am, professionally and otherwise, i will try to be as objective as possible. Even though i'm waiting to vent my frustration with the God-awful state of roads here, the smug and shameless pride people take in the concept that they call 'Hyderabad Standard Time', the obssession with Mirchi-bhajjis, and the refusal of the kirana-walas to home-deliver groceries worth less than 100 bucks, - among many other things, I promise i will find all that is unique (in a positive way) and praise-worthy too.
Ok, since we are still doing the intros, here is a quick who's-who of this blog.
I'm the very talented, the young and restless, the beautiful (ahem!) Mrs. M. I'm also Not Reddy. Or Taraa. Whichever you prefer. Till i got married about a year ago, i was also a true-blue Bombayite (oh i still am, i still am). But then i did get married and since the very adorable, very intelligent and utterly clumsy Mr. M resided in Hyd, i packed up lock, stock and barrel and moved in with him. Unwillingly, begrudgingly, crying, howling and kicking, but left Bombay i did. And having come to Hyderabad already decided to hate it, i found reasons galore. But more of that later. Back to intros.
If in case you haven't figured yet, i have a thing for histrionics, and appropriately then, have recently found my calling - in theatre! Apart from photography, that is. Oh, and may i say, i am more than decent with the camera. Of course it has nothing to do with the brilliant digi-SLR that i demanded (and got) as a wedding present, but entirely to do with my individual brilliance and creativity. I'm also a great cook, a fitness-enthusiast, a brilliant home-maker and a clever money-manager. In short - The Trophy Wife.
I'm also quite a braggart and liar, am told, but people really... they will say anything. It's just their envy talking.
Mr. M - like i said is adorable, intelligent and clumsy. Very. He's also a crazy movie-watcher, and there are few things on IMDb that he isn't familiar with. Throw a movie name at him, and he will in turn whip you with all the info about it - name of director, producer, year of release, cast, reason for title, music score, etc etc.
He is also a slightly-rusty quizzer, a budding marathoner, and a wannabe Jamie Oliver. Multi-dimensional, or just plain ol' greedy - you decide.
And there are also a Few Others, who may sometimes feature on this blog. Like, there is the very lovely and never-on-time Skinny, who is our part-time woman-friday, one we depend on for daily idlis and starched linen.
Then there is Hero, our low-rise-jean-clad, pierced-eyebrowed, blond-haired driver, who when he's not making excuses for not showing up for work, likes to hang out at Cafe Mocha. I kid you not. And just in case you were wondering, we have a small car, not a Jaguar. And no, we don't pay him 10k. Close to half of that, in fact.
Occasionally, The Extended Family may also feature here. Includes an assorment of in-laws, and 2 very hyper nephews. These will be introduced as and when they make an appearance.
Ok, enough for now. Oh gosh i'm so never going to write! I'm bored already. Oh well, we'll see, ok? We'll go with the flow, and hopefully, it will be ok.
Incidentally, we are talking about Hyderabad - the capital city of Andhra Pradesh, and not the tiny village in UP by the same name. Just, clarifying.
Adios for now.

Reddy? Here we go!

This is my fourth blog, and i sincerely hope it will be a better success than the previous three. By success i mean that i will feel inspired to write regularly, that i will find interesting and relevant things to write about, and that hundreds of readers will flock to my blog everyday and hound me for updating it should i be away for as few as three days. Given the theme that i have chosen for the blog, the first two shouldn't be a problem. As for my third wish, aww well, que sera sera. Either i'll be the next blog queen or i could relate with Ross Gellar.
Alright then, here we go.
Drum rolls!